General FAQ’s
What is placenta
What is placentophagia?
What is placenta encapsulation?
Placenta encapsulation is the act of preparing placenta to where the final form is powder. Then, the placenta powder is put into a capsule so that the woman can consume it like a vitamin….placenta pills! There are 2 methods of preparation; RAW and Tradition Chinese Medicine.
What is the RAW method?
The RAW food community strongly believe that heating the placenta diminishes it’s nutritional value, so heating (cooking/steaming) is skipped and placenta goes straight into the dehydrator. This method provides an increase in energy immediately and is a wonderful hormone stabilizer.
What is TCM method?
How is waste filtered out of the placenta?
Benefits FAQ’s
What are the benefits of placenta consumption?
What 3 main hormones and chemicals contained in the placenta help the mother postpartum?
1. Oxytocin: helps bonding, pain reliever, and helps with milk ejection and supply
2. HPL (Human Placenta Lactogen): promotes the production of prolactin in the mother
3. POEF (Placenta Opioid Enhancing Factor): Pain reliever
What are the baby blues?
What is postpartum depression?
Service & Product FAQ's
What does the package include?
A prenatal consultation, placenta pick up at the hospital, birth center or your home, a placenta print, cord keepsake, your placenta pills, placenta delivery to the hospital or your home, 2 phone call check ins and a Life time of support. If you have any questions or concerns you can call any time. I know what it’s like to be a new mom, so if you ever need someone to talk to…I’m here for you!